Press X to enter Menu for Group A
Now you can use the four Pots
to select the modes associated
to the CV Inputs of Group A:
* a randomly generated Value
is passed to the Effect
instead of the CV Input
** Only for A0 - A3 available!
This Mode disables the
Modes & CV-In for Group A
and instead Provides
4 Bands of Audio "Energy"
Hold X & Tab Y ones for LFO Menu
Use the Pots to change Settings
* Waveforms:
Sinus, Triangle,
rising Saw, falling Saw
** Deviders:
1 (each Beat)/2/4/8/16/32/64
the LFO will sync to the next
predicted Beat of BPM / CLK-In.
BPM - 4 x Tab X to Change
CLK - Set Input B1 to CLK
for External Clock / Sync
the * indicates the Clock-Source
active for the Modes / LFO's
Hardware Layout:
Prg - Effect Number _ of _ Loaded
FSP - Frames per Seconds
- The Pots are CCW - Right = 0 !
- The Pots are Pickup-Protected
you need to turn back to the
last "known" Possition after
using them in the Menu.
- The LED's will indicate the State !
- Menu-Color = "protected"
- Mode-Color = "released"
- Sometimes you need to turn
the Pot very Slowly !
- The chosen *.bmp in TEX-Mode
is the second-last loaded!
- Due to File-System quirks you
may need to index them for
the desired order !
- Some combinations of FPS and
BPM / CLK will cause Situations
where some Beats get "lost" !
- In theory you can control the Modes
only by LED Mode / Value feedback
Hold X & 3 x Tab Y for Texture Mode
Now you can use either the Pot,
the Modes or external CV to select
your User-.BMP Files loaded*
Hold Y & 3 x Tab X for Frame Mode
Now you can use either the Pot,
the Modes or external CV to select
the Frame (Position in Time )
of the Effect Program**
CV - Hold X & 2 x Tab Y
2.5/3.3/5.0V Attenuation
(for "Boost" or Low Voltage CV's)
As - Hold X & 2 Tab Y in Audio Mode
12.5/25/50/75/100% Sensitivity
Press Y to enter Menu for Group B
Now you can use the four Pots
to select the modes associated
to the CV Inputs of Group B
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